Again! I have discovered that I was wrong about people that don’t believe in your dreams or in what you do. I’ve always had my heart broken, left miserable, bitter and offended when people didn’t believe in my dream, now that i think about it was really stupid. Anyways, people that don’t believe in your dreams are simply part of the natural selection process of people that will help you achieve your dreams and those that won’t, and those that don’t believe in you… won’t. Your focus should always remain on your dream. Those that don’t believe have automatically been removed from your path, you know not to reply or consult them because they are not part of your dream blueprint.

People that you should concern yourself with are those that are going your direction or have some level of influence towards your journey, it could be just giving you the right advise or taking you to the next bus stop. That’s progress at least.

Using Kevin Hart’s famous words “LET ME EXPLAIN”, let me explain! There is nothing more frustrating than catching a ride and you want to go to Cape Town and the car you have hitch-hiked is going to Cairo. You only realise when you’re in Kenya that you are going the wrong way. This means you have spent a significant amount of time going the wrong direction. Now these are the 3 choices that most people are faced with when this happens:

  1. Back track and find your back to the starting point then work your way to their dream. Those that opt for this option would most probably have learnt their lesson and conjured up courage to fight for their dream.
  2. Jump of in Kenya and find a way of making life work there. With this choice you end up living a compromised and mediocre life;
  3. Because you have already made the bad decision, you see it through. Just go to Cairo with those that are going there. These are the people you see living a defeated life, they have given up hope. All they live for is to wait for their time to come to an end on this earth, that is if they do not end it themselves.

There is nothing as terrifying as waking up one day and realising that you married the wrong person. You don’t share the same dreams or vision, you may have made the wrong career move or studied the in the wrong field. Your decision is taking you to Cairo yet you want to go to Cape Town. Truthfully speaking, we have all had this experience at some point in our lives, and sometimes we land in these situations through different mean. Some through deception, lack of self- confidence or self- will, cohesion, desperation, not knowing your purpose or who you are, lack of discipline, lack of proper due diligence, ignorance, stupidity/idiocracy or just mere bad luck.

Perhaps before embarking on any journey make sure you have your map and campus, you know your desired destination and check what is motivating your move. You can achieve!

Bon Voyage!

Hazey Namponya 

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